# Created by Panotools::Script 0.28 p f2 h9337 n"TIFF_m c:LZW r:CROP" v360 w18674 m f0 g1 i7 m2 p0.00784314 # Image lines #-hugin cropFactor=1.61937 i Tpp0 Tpy0 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Vm5 a-0.117367 b0.494002 c-0.762785 d-212.200286 e-44.354248 f0 g0.000000 h2586 j0 n"16-e07-f0000.tiff" p0 r270 t0.000000 v106.55 w3890 y0 #-hugin cropFactor=1.6193727927108 i Tpp0 Tpy0 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Vm5 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 f0 g=0 h2586 j0 n"17-e07-f0000.tiff" p-2.22294 r-87.3834 t=0 v103.063 w3890 y69.001 #-hugin cropFactor=1.6193727927108 i Tpp0 Tpy0 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Vm5 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 f0 g=0 h2586 j0 n"19-e07-f0000.tiff" p-90 r-103.151 t=0 v4.81743e-05 w3890 y121.021 #-hugin cropFactor=1.6193727927108 i Tpp0 Tpy0 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Vm5 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 f0 g=0 h2586 j0 n"22-e07-f0000.tiff" p-90.0001 r-19.0869 t=0 v5.36916e-05 w3890 y-24.3001 #-hugin cropFactor=1.6193727927108 i Tpp0 Tpy0 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Vm5 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 f0 g=0 h2586 j0 n"26-e07-f0000.tiff" p64.5329 r-85.5838 t=0 v79.4372 w3890 y40.6031 #-hugin cropFactor=1.6193727927108 i Tpp0 Tpy0 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Vm5 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 f0 g=0 h2586 j0 n"28-e07-f0000.tiff" p-90 r-50.0026 t=0 v5.3206e-05 w3890 y85.3202 #-hugin cropFactor=1.6193727927108 i Tpp0 Tpy0 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Vm5 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 f0 g=0 h2586 j0 n"29-e07-f0000.tiff" p-90 r32.685 t=0 v5.62742e-05 w3890 y-29.6241 #-hugin cropFactor=1.6193727927108 i Tpp0 Tpy0 TrX0 TrY0 TrZ0 Vm5 a=0 b=0 c=0 d=0 e=0 f0 g=0 h2586 j0 n"31-e07-f0000.tiff" p-90 r-152.043 t=0 v7.08385e-05 w3890 y126.832 # Variable lines v a0 b0 c0 d0 e0 v0 v p1 r1 v1 y1 v p2 r2 v2 y2 v p3 r3 v3 y3 v p4 r4 v4 y4 v p5 r5 v5 y5 v p6 r6 v6 y6 v p7 r7 v7 y7 v # Control point lines c N1 X1850.81781574762 Y255.897362005109 n0 t0 x1831.78238644444 y2390.05998331633 c N1 X1862.4950205621 Y117.894569719445 n0 t0 x1844.93416571859 y2254.46895782902 c N1 X1893.39921541321 Y242.847791305643 n0 t0 x1873.808105171 y2377.17917339238 c N4 X484 Y1586 n1 t0 x2988.75773840498 y554.044835179661 c N4 X1186 Y1762 n1 t0 x3696.20760568033 y820.14141612149 c N5 X1118.76644351541 Y2440.15408274761 n2 t0 x3514.8631519147 y1956.86627904205 c N5 X1122.87456812746 Y2441.44936512833 n2 t0 x3519.68870312907 y1959.80291351805 c N5 X1140.18648422561 Y2472.24357054019 n2 t0 x3532.99688244554 y1994.45663695154 c N5 X1175.75255928218 Y2439.23320223173 n2 t0 x3577.70374680134 y1972.40767009709 c N5 X1177.01737842064 Y2452.82453692775 n2 t0 x3576.46122067398 y1986.31345173585 c N5 X1146.13004273754 Y2410.1736533861 n2 t0 x3549 y1936 c N6 X780.130405755497 Y701.860707187974 n2 t0 x3283 y2513 c N6 X800.257865563726 Y704.671208265158 n2 t0 x3305 y2512 c N6 X1033.95921359839 Y291.234058439455 n2 t0 x3433 y2014 c N6 X1133.12371612387 Y287.779555531698 n2 t0 x3542 y1983 c N6 X1110.79167744443 Y429.855461537319 n2 t0 x3561 y2141 c N6 X2956.31443139004 Y1723.55594090064 n3 t0 x3085.08788237213 y573.91982723857 c N6 X3043.95331452897 Y1772.23363748938 n3 t0 x3118.49053030045 y664.501531985983 c N6 X3038.38727860862 Y1907.7317616492 n3 t0 x3021 y769 c N6 X3007.87812799779 Y1693.29774473736 n3 t0 x3149.35826557769 y581.580775223995 c N7 X1222.74664353562 Y1065.07703445107 n3 t0 x3100 y648 c N7 X1179.07488722879 Y1193.70762437755 n3 t0 x3020 y768 c N7 X1194.75791562747 Y1214.15416226497 n3 t0 x3030 y792 c N7 X1185.12066092693 Y965.193929585019 n3 t0 x3094 y534 c N7 X1215.16340690819 Y1038.12731540852 n3 t0 x3103 y618 c N7 X1286.81339809668 Y1042.59459505297 n3 t0 x3177.45483637766 y639.038076443716 c N6 X1125.50082848532 Y266.445986440147 n5 t0 x1127.43864998716 y2442.09491982118 c N6 X1124.29290186353 Y297.067022141425 n5 t0 x1140.18648422561 y2472.24357054019 c N6 X1164.44599204223 Y271.581167641352 n5 t0 x1164.86945292288 y2426.05878229072 c N6 X1154.73880151106 Y252.26816850163 n5 t0 x1148 y2413 c N6 X1175.47709175471 Y305.906633568214 n5 t0 x1188.99822745159 y2453.67515179614 c N7 X1188.47620821634 Y1004.87618089079 n6 t0 x2956.31443139004 y1723.55594090064 c N7 X1194.27051194121 Y1068.53903296822 n6 t0 x2995.1104544362 y1782.91902182044 c N7 X1244.82666296806 Y995.014474062925 n6 t0 x3007.87812799779 y1693.29774473736 c N7 X1244.70586603087 Y1081.13764462611 n6 t0 x3043.95331452897 y1772.23363748938 c N6 X3061.32813392113 Y1922.33600931909 n3 t0 x3030 y793 c N6 X2937.89128912778 Y1690.91837157723 n3 t0 x3093 y533 c N6 X3015.99181676921 Y1771.02284464747 n3 t0 x3098 y648 c N6 X3001.45066845601 Y1751.875228371 n3 t0 x3102 y623 c N6 X1159.91030080738 Y295.507523037447 n2 t0 x3571 y1983 c N6 X1121.48713037009 Y230.557144091223 n2 t0 x3509 y1927 c N6 X1130.31034365348 Y424.424266999595 n2 t0 x3581 y2131 c N7 X1335.09057546441 Y1050.35746114428 n6 t0 x3118 y1706 c N7 X1322.72997128603 Y1024.23156319817 n6 t0 x3094 y1687 # Mask lines # option lines #hugin_blender enblend #hugin_enblendOptions #hugin_enfuseOptions #hugin_hdrmergeOptions #hugin_optimizeReferenceImage 0 #hugin_optimizerMasterSwitch 16 #hugin_optimizerPhotoMasterSwitch 21 #hugin_outputHDRBlended false #hugin_outputHDRLayers false #hugin_outputHDRStacks false #hugin_outputImageType tif #hugin_outputImageTypeCompression LZW #hugin_outputImageTypeHDR exr #hugin_outputImageTypeHDRCompression LZW #hugin_outputJPEGQuality 100 #hugin_outputLDRBlended true #hugin_outputLDRExposureBlended false #hugin_outputLDRExposureLayers false #hugin_outputLDRExposureLayersFused false #hugin_outputLDRExposureRemapped false #hugin_outputLDRLayers false #hugin_outputLDRStacks false #hugin_outputLayersCompression LZW #hugin_outputLayersExposureDiff 0.5 #hugin_outputStacksMinOverlap 0.7 #hugin_ptoversion 2 #hugin_remapper nona * # ==================================================================== # Output generated by Panorama Tools # 1327 function evaluations # the relative error in the sum of squares is at most tol # final rms error 3.40094e-06 units # Panorama description # p f2 w 18674d h9337d v360 n"TIFF_m c:LZW r:CROP" # Parameters for Each Input Image: # (*) - optimized (p) - preset # Image No 0: # Yaw: 0 deg (p) Pitch: 0 deg (p) # Roll: 270 deg (p) HFov: 106.55 deg (*) # Polynomial Coefficients: a -0.117361 (*); b 0.494024 (*); c -0.762784 (*) # Horizontal Shift: -212.079638 (*) Vertical Shift: -44.353050 (*) # TiltX: 0.000000 (p) TiltY: 0.000000 (p) # TiltZ: 0.000000 (p) TiltScale: 1.000000 (p) # TransX: 0.000000 (p) TransY: 0.000000 (p) # TransZ: 0.000000 (p) # TransYaw: 0.000000 (p) TransPitch: 0.000000 (p) # Test P0: 0.000000 (p) Test P1: 0.000000 (p) # Test P2: 0.000000 (p) Test P3: 0.000000 (p) # 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.38612 # Command for Panorama Creation: o f0 r270 p0 y0 v106.55 a-0.117361 b0.494024 c-0.762784 g0.000000 t0.000000 d-212.079638 e-44.353050 u10 -buf # Image No 1: # Yaw: 69.0013 deg (*) Pitch: -2.22189 deg (*) # Roll: -87.3852 deg (*) HFov: 103.062 deg (*) # Polynomial Coefficients: a -0.117361 (*); b 0.494024 (*); c -0.762784 (*) # Horizontal Shift: -212.079638 (*) Vertical Shift: -44.353050 (*) # TiltX: 0.000000 (p) TiltY: 0.000000 (p) # TiltZ: 0.000000 (p) TiltScale: 1.000000 (p) # TransX: 0.000000 (p) TransY: 0.000000 (p) # TransZ: 0.000000 (p) # TransYaw: 0.000000 (p) TransPitch: 0.000000 (p) # Test P0: 0.000000 (p) Test P1: 0.000000 (p) # Test P2: 0.000000 (p) Test P3: 0.000000 (p) # 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.38612 # Command for Panorama Creation: o f0 r-87.3852 p-2.22189 y69.0013 v103.062 a-0.117361 b0.494024 c-0.762784 g0.000000 t0.000000 d-212.079638 e-44.353050 u10 +buf -buf # Image No 2: # Yaw: -70.1653 deg (*) Pitch: -90 deg (*) # Roll: 65.3328 deg (*) HFov: 3.2288e-05 deg (*) # Polynomial Coefficients: a -0.117361 (*); b 0.494024 (*); c -0.762784 (*) # Horizontal Shift: -212.079638 (*) Vertical Shift: -44.353050 (*) # TiltX: 0.000000 (p) TiltY: 0.000000 (p) # TiltZ: 0.000000 (p) TiltScale: 1.000000 (p) # TransX: 0.000000 (p) TransY: 0.000000 (p) # TransZ: 0.000000 (p) # TransYaw: 0.000000 (p) TransPitch: 0.000000 (p) # Test P0: 0.000000 (p) Test P1: 0.000000 (p) # Test P2: 0.000000 (p) Test P3: 0.000000 (p) # 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.38612 # Command for Panorama Creation: o f0 r65.3328 p-90 y-70.1653 v3.2288e-05 a-0.117361 b0.494024 c-0.762784 g0.000000 t0.000000 d-212.079638 e-44.353050 u10 +buf -buf # Image No 3: # Yaw: -51.1262 deg (*) Pitch: -90 deg (*) # Roll: -15.7447 deg (*) HFov: 3.5735e-05 deg (*) # Polynomial Coefficients: a -0.117361 (*); b 0.494024 (*); c -0.762784 (*) # Horizontal Shift: -212.079638 (*) Vertical Shift: -44.353050 (*) # TiltX: 0.000000 (p) TiltY: 0.000000 (p) # TiltZ: 0.000000 (p) TiltScale: 1.000000 (p) # TransX: 0.000000 (p) TransY: 0.000000 (p) # TransZ: 0.000000 (p) # TransYaw: 0.000000 (p) TransPitch: 0.000000 (p) # Test P0: 0.000000 (p) Test P1: 0.000000 (p) # Test P2: 0.000000 (p) Test P3: 0.000000 (p) # 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.38612 # Command for Panorama Creation: o f0 r-15.7447 p-90 y-51.1262 v3.5735e-05 a-0.117361 b0.494024 c-0.762784 g0.000000 t0.000000 d-212.079638 e-44.353050 u10 +buf -buf # Image No 4: # Yaw: 40.6033 deg (*) Pitch: 64.5321 deg (*) # Roll: -85.583 deg (*) HFov: 79.4366 deg (*) # Polynomial Coefficients: a -0.117361 (*); b 0.494024 (*); c -0.762784 (*) # Horizontal Shift: -212.079638 (*) Vertical Shift: -44.353050 (*) # TiltX: 0.000000 (p) TiltY: 0.000000 (p) # TiltZ: 0.000000 (p) TiltScale: 1.000000 (p) # TransX: 0.000000 (p) TransY: 0.000000 (p) # TransZ: 0.000000 (p) # TransYaw: 0.000000 (p) TransPitch: 0.000000 (p) # Test P0: 0.000000 (p) Test P1: 0.000000 (p) # Test P2: 0.000000 (p) Test P3: 0.000000 (p) # 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.38612 # Command for Panorama Creation: o f0 r-85.583 p64.5321 y40.6033 v79.4366 a-0.117361 b0.494024 c-0.762784 g0.000000 t0.000000 d-212.079638 e-44.353050 u10 +buf -buf # Image No 5: # Yaw: 54.4012 deg (*) Pitch: -90 deg (*) # Roll: -45.7381 deg (*) HFov: 3.56983e-05 deg (*) # Polynomial Coefficients: a -0.117361 (*); b 0.494024 (*); c -0.762784 (*) # Horizontal Shift: -212.079638 (*) Vertical Shift: -44.353050 (*) # TiltX: 0.000000 (p) TiltY: 0.000000 (p) # TiltZ: 0.000000 (p) TiltScale: 1.000000 (p) # TransX: 0.000000 (p) TransY: 0.000000 (p) # TransZ: 0.000000 (p) # TransYaw: 0.000000 (p) TransPitch: 0.000000 (p) # Test P0: 0.000000 (p) Test P1: 0.000000 (p) # Test P2: 0.000000 (p) Test P3: 0.000000 (p) # 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.38612 # Command for Panorama Creation: o f0 r-45.7381 p-90 y54.4012 v3.56983e-05 a-0.117361 b0.494024 c-0.762784 g0.000000 t0.000000 d-212.079638 e-44.353050 u10 +buf -buf # Image No 6: # Yaw: -60.732 deg (*) Pitch: -90 deg (*) # Roll: 40.8808 deg (*) HFov: 3.78411e-05 deg (*) # Polynomial Coefficients: a -0.117361 (*); b 0.494024 (*); c -0.762784 (*) # Horizontal Shift: -212.079638 (*) Vertical Shift: -44.353050 (*) # TiltX: 0.000000 (p) TiltY: 0.000000 (p) # TiltZ: 0.000000 (p) TiltScale: 1.000000 (p) # TransX: 0.000000 (p) TransY: 0.000000 (p) # TransZ: 0.000000 (p) # TransYaw: 0.000000 (p) TransPitch: 0.000000 (p) # Test P0: 0.000000 (p) Test P1: 0.000000 (p) # Test P2: 0.000000 (p) Test P3: 0.000000 (p) # 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.38612 # Command for Panorama Creation: o f0 r40.8808 p-90 y-60.732 v3.78411e-05 a-0.117361 b0.494024 c-0.762784 g0.000000 t0.000000 d-212.079638 e-44.353050 u10 +buf -buf # Image No 7: # Yaw: 100.225 deg (*) Pitch: -90 deg (*) # Roll: -147.111 deg (*) HFov: 4.62161e-05 deg (*) # Polynomial Coefficients: a -0.117361 (*); b 0.494024 (*); c -0.762784 (*) # Horizontal Shift: -212.079638 (*) Vertical Shift: -44.353050 (*) # TiltX: 0.000000 (p) TiltY: 0.000000 (p) # TiltZ: 0.000000 (p) TiltScale: 1.000000 (p) # TransX: 0.000000 (p) TransY: 0.000000 (p) # TransZ: 0.000000 (p) # TransYaw: 0.000000 (p) TransPitch: 0.000000 (p) # Test P0: 0.000000 (p) Test P1: 0.000000 (p) # Test P2: 0.000000 (p) Test P3: 0.000000 (p) # 4th polynomial coefficient: 1.38612 # Command for Panorama Creation: o f0 r-147.111 p-90 y100.225 v4.62161e-05 a-0.117361 b0.494024 c-0.762784 g0.000000 t0.000000 d-212.079638 e-44.353050 u10 +buf # ========================================================================== # Control Points: Distance between desired and fitted Position (in "Pixels") # Control Point No 0: 9.70108e-10 # Control Point No 1: 6.10859e-10 # Control Point No 2: 1.55957e-09 # Control Point No 3: 7.09212e-11 # Control Point No 4: 1.08236e-10 # Control Point No 5: 3.48867e-06 # Control Point No 6: 2.64795e-06 # Control Point No 7: 3.17161e-06 # Control Point No 8: 3.02296e-06 # Control Point No 9: 3.66485e-06 # Control Point No 10: 4.04473e-06 # Control Point No 11: 1.11718e-06 # Control Point No 12: 1.18721e-06 # Control Point No 13: 3.05356e-06 # Control Point No 14: 1.0979e-06 # Control Point No 15: 1.7692e-06 # Control Point No 16: 6.15111e-06 # Control Point No 17: 5.48321e-06 # Control Point No 18: 2.49557e-06 # Control Point No 19: 4.01967e-06 # Control Point No 20: 1.53255e-06 # Control Point No 21: 4.92983e-06 # Control Point No 22: 3.12191e-06 # Control Point No 23: 5.45836e-06 # Control Point No 24: 8.23826e-07 # Control Point No 25: 9.89933e-06 # Control Point No 26: 2.15913e-06 # Control Point No 27: 3.15601e-06 # Control Point No 28: 1.98571e-06 # Control Point No 29: 3.05332e-06 # Control Point No 30: 4.39774e-06 # Control Point No 31: 4.69089e-06 # Control Point No 32: 2.5467e-06 # Control Point No 33: 8.3232e-07 # Control Point No 34: 1.76847e-06 # Control Point No 35: 4.30283e-06 # Control Point No 36: 5.53889e-06 # Control Point No 37: 9.03827e-07 # Control Point No 38: 5.82386e-07 # Control Point No 39: 1.13937e-06 # Control Point No 40: 2.86482e-06 # Control Point No 41: 2.66013e-06 # Control Point No 42: 3.83771e-06 # Control Point No 43: 2.84227e-06 C i0 c0 x11290.7 y4510.1 X11290.7 Y4510.1 D9.70108e-10 Dx-1.46957e-10 Dy-9.58878e-10 C i1 c0 x11290.7 y4510.1 X11290.7 Y4510.1 D9.70108e-10 Dx-1.46957e-10 Dy-9.58878e-10 C i0 c1 x11081.7 y4484.13 X11081.7 Y4484.13 D6.10859e-10 Dx-1.74876e-10 Dy-5.85358e-10 C i1 c1 x11081.7 y4484.13 X11081.7 Y4484.13 D6.10859e-10 Dx-1.74876e-10 Dy-5.85358e-10 C i0 c2 x11272.6 y4442.76 X11272.6 Y4442.76 D1.55957e-09 Dx3.26057e-10 Dy1.5251e-09 C i1 c2 x11272.6 y4442.76 X11272.6 Y4442.76 D1.55957e-09 Dx3.26057e-10 Dy1.5251e-09 C i1 c3 x11773.4 y2807.3 X11773.4 Y2807.3 D7.09212e-11 Dx-5.82896e-11 Dy4.05857e-11 C i4 c3 x11773.4 y2807.3 X11773.4 Y2807.3 D7.09212e-11 Dx-5.82896e-11 Dy4.05857e-11 C i1 c4 x12272.7 y2038.26 X12272.7 Y2038.26 D1.08236e-10 Dx9.76071e-11 Dy-4.61951e-11 C i4 c4 x12272.7 y2038.26 X12272.7 Y2038.26 D1.08236e-10 Dx9.76071e-11 Dy-4.61951e-11 C i2 c5 x14549.5 y9336.5 X14556.4 Y9336.5 D3.48867e-06 Dx-1.29745e-06 Dy3.23844e-06 C i5 c5 x14563.3 y9336.5 X14556.4 Y9336.5 D3.48867e-06 Dx-1.29745e-06 Dy3.23844e-06 C i2 c6 x14557.4 y9336.5 X14563 Y9336.5 D2.64795e-06 Dx-1.0634e-06 Dy2.42505e-06 C i5 c6 x14568.6 y9336.5 X14563 Y9336.5 D2.64795e-06 Dx-1.0634e-06 Dy2.42505e-06 C i2 c7 x14696.5 y9336.5 X14712 Y9336.5 D3.17161e-06 Dx-3.04774e-06 Dy-8.77783e-07 C i5 c7 x14727.5 y9336.5 X14712 Y9336.5 D3.17161e-06 Dx-3.04774e-06 Dy-8.77783e-07 C i2 c8 x14547.2 y9336.5 X14540.8 Y9336.5 D3.02296e-06 Dx1.35195e-06 Dy-2.7038e-06 C i5 c8 x14534.3 y9336.5 X14540.8 Y9336.5 D3.02296e-06 Dx1.35195e-06 Dy-2.7038e-06 C i2 c9 x14606.8 y9336.5 X14605.1 Y9336.5 D3.66485e-06 Dx3.53136e-07 Dy-3.6478e-06 C i5 c9 x14603.4 y9336.5 X14605.1 Y9336.5 D3.66485e-06 Dx3.53136e-07 Dy-3.6478e-06 C i2 c10 x14417.2 y9336.5 X14403.8 Y9336.5 D4.04473e-06 Dx2.64343e-06 Dy3.06142e-06 C i5 c10 x14390.5 y9336.5 X14403.8 Y9336.5 D4.04473e-06 Dx2.64343e-06 Dy3.06142e-06 C i2 c11 x17017.1 y9336.5 X17016 Y9336.5 D1.11718e-06 Dx2.6625e-07 Dy1.08499e-06 C i6 c11 x17014.9 y9336.5 X17016 Y9336.5 D1.11718e-06 Dx2.6625e-07 Dy1.08499e-06 C i2 c12 x16940.3 y9336.5 X16935.6 Y9336.5 D1.18721e-06 Dx1.16782e-06 Dy2.13681e-07 C i6 c12 x16931 y9336.5 X16935.6 Y9336.5 D1.18721e-06 Dx1.16782e-06 Dy2.13681e-07 C i2 c13 x14959.7 y9336.5 X14950 Y9336.5 D3.05356e-06 Dx1.63022e-06 Dy2.58199e-06 C i6 c13 x14940.3 y9336.5 X14950 Y9336.5 D3.05356e-06 Dx1.63022e-06 Dy2.58199e-06 C i2 c14 x14634.3 y9336.5 X14634.6 Y9336.5 D1.0979e-06 Dx-5.54918e-08 Dy-1.09649e-06 C i6 c14 x14634.9 y9336.5 X14634.6 Y9336.5 D1.0979e-06 Dx-5.54918e-08 Dy-1.09649e-06 C i2 c15 x15227.5 y9336.5 X15234.9 Y9336.5 D1.7692e-06 Dx-1.68067e-06 Dy-5.5265e-07 C i6 c15 x15242.3 y9336.5 X15234.9 Y9336.5 D1.7692e-06 Dx-1.68067e-06 Dy-5.5265e-07 C i3 c16 x14886.7 y9336.5 X14885.1 Y9336.5 D6.15111e-06 Dx1.56414e-06 Dy-5.94892e-06 C i6 c16 x14883.5 y9336.5 X14885.1 Y9336.5 D6.15111e-06 Dx1.56414e-06 Dy-5.94892e-06 C i3 c17 x14864.9 y9336.5 X14865.7 Y9336.5 D5.48321e-06 Dx-8.10787e-07 Dy5.42294e-06 C i6 c17 x14866.5 y9336.5 X14865.7 Y9336.5 D5.48321e-06 Dx-8.10787e-07 Dy5.42294e-06 C i3 c18 x14979.7 y9336.5 X14977.4 Y9336.5 D2.49557e-06 Dx2.43536e-06 Dy5.4488e-07 C i6 c18 x14975.1 y9336.5 X14977.4 Y9336.5 D2.49557e-06 Dx2.43536e-06 Dy5.4488e-07 C i3 c19 x14818.6 y9336.5 X14822 Y9336.5 D4.01967e-06 Dx-3.35758e-06 Dy2.21007e-06 C i6 c19 x14825.4 y9336.5 X14822 Y9336.5 D4.01967e-06 Dx-3.35758e-06 Dy2.21007e-06 C i3 c20 x14881.9 y9336.5 X14880.6 Y9336.5 D1.53255e-06 Dx1.3353e-06 Dy7.52113e-07 C i7 c20 x14879.2 y9336.5 X14880.6 Y9336.5 D1.53255e-06 Dx1.3353e-06 Dy7.52113e-07 C i3 c21 x14980.7 y9336.5 X14979.5 Y9336.5 D4.92983e-06 Dx1.20626e-06 Dy-4.77997e-06 C i7 c21 x14978.3 y9336.5 X14979.5 Y9336.5 D4.92983e-06 Dx1.20626e-06 Dy-4.77997e-06 C i3 c22 x14973.1 y9336.5 X14971.5 Y9336.5 D3.12191e-06 Dx1.60674e-06 Dy-2.6767e-06 C i7 c22 x14970 y9336.5 X14971.5 Y9336.5 D3.12191e-06 Dx1.60674e-06 Dy-2.6767e-06 C i3 c23 x14870.7 y9336.5 X14873.7 Y9336.5 D5.45836e-06 Dx-2.88033e-06 Dy-4.63653e-06 C i7 c23 x14876.6 y9336.5 X14873.7 Y9336.5 D5.45836e-06 Dx-2.88033e-06 Dy-4.63653e-06 C i3 c24 x14874.2 y9336.5 X14875 Y9336.5 D8.23826e-07 Dx-7.9079e-07 Dy-2.30958e-07 C i7 c24 x14875.8 y9336.5 X14875 Y9336.5 D8.23826e-07 Dx-7.9079e-07 Dy-2.30958e-07 C i3 c25 x14798.6 y9336.5 X14801.5 Y9336.5 D9.89933e-06 Dx-2.9174e-06 Dy9.45968e-06 C i7 c25 x14804.4 y9336.5 X14801.5 Y9336.5 D9.89933e-06 Dx-2.9174e-06 Dy9.45968e-06 C i5 c26 x14570 y9336.5 X14561.8 Y9336.5 D2.15913e-06 Dx1.58167e-06 Dy-1.46976e-06 C i6 c26 x14553.5 y9336.5 X14561.8 Y9336.5 D2.15913e-06 Dx1.58167e-06 Dy-1.46976e-06 C i5 c27 x14727.5 y9336.5 X14713.2 Y9336.5 D3.15601e-06 Dx2.81599e-06 Dy1.42502e-06 C i6 c27 x14698.9 y9336.5 X14713.2 Y9336.5 D3.15601e-06 Dx2.81599e-06 Dy1.42502e-06 C i5 c28 x14469.9 y9336.5 X14479.5 Y9336.5 D1.98571e-06 Dx-1.96654e-06 Dy-2.75323e-07 C i6 c28 x14489.1 y9336.5 X14479.5 Y9336.5 D1.98571e-06 Dx-1.96654e-06 Dy-2.75323e-07 C i5 c29 x14405.2 y9336.5 X14412.1 Y9336.5 D3.05332e-06 Dx-1.36458e-06 Dy-2.73143e-06 C i6 c29 x14418.9 y9336.5 X14412.1 Y9336.5 D3.05332e-06 Dx-1.36458e-06 Dy-2.73143e-06 C i5 c30 x14602.1 y9336.5 X14609 Y9336.5 D4.39774e-06 Dx-1.48953e-06 Dy4.13781e-06 C i6 c30 x14616 y9336.5 X14609 Y9336.5 D4.39774e-06 Dx-1.48953e-06 Dy4.13781e-06 C i6 c31 x14883.5 y9336.5 X14886.8 Y9336.5 D4.69089e-06 Dx-3.29651e-06 Dy3.33729e-06 C i7 c31 x14890.2 y9336.5 X14886.8 Y9336.5 D4.69089e-06 Dx-3.29651e-06 Dy3.33729e-06 C i6 c32 x14906 y9336.5 X14908.4 Y9336.5 D2.5467e-06 Dx-2.45244e-06 Dy-6.86439e-07 C i7 c32 x14910.9 y9336.5 X14908.4 Y9336.5 D2.5467e-06 Dx-2.45244e-06 Dy-6.86439e-07 C i6 c33 x14825.4 y9336.5 X14825.7 Y9336.5 D8.3232e-07 Dx-2.80379e-07 Dy7.83673e-07 C i7 c33 x14826 y9336.5 X14825.7 Y9336.5 D8.3232e-07 Dx-2.80379e-07 Dy7.83673e-07 C i6 c34 x14866.5 y9336.5 X14864.9 Y9336.5 D1.76847e-06 Dx1.60492e-06 Dy7.42763e-07 C i7 c34 x14863.3 y9336.5 X14864.9 Y9336.5 D1.76847e-06 Dx1.60492e-06 Dy7.42763e-07 C i3 c35 x14973.2 y9336.5 X14972.4 Y9336.5 D4.30283e-06 Dx8.03179e-07 Dy4.22721e-06 C i6 c35 x14971.7 y9336.5 X14972.4 Y9336.5 D4.30283e-06 Dx8.03179e-07 Dy4.22721e-06 C i3 c36 x14871.6 y9336.5 X14870.2 Y9336.5 D5.53889e-06 Dx1.32261e-06 Dy-5.37867e-06 C i6 c36 x14868.9 y9336.5 X14870.2 Y9336.5 D5.53889e-06 Dx1.32261e-06 Dy-5.37867e-06 C i3 c37 x14884 y9336.5 X14883.6 Y9336.5 D9.03827e-07 Dx4.29916e-07 Dy7.95032e-07 C i6 c37 x14883.2 y9336.5 X14883.6 Y9336.5 D9.03827e-07 Dx4.29916e-07 Dy7.95032e-07 C i3 c38 x14876 y9336.5 X14876.6 Y9336.5 D5.82386e-07 Dx-5.44814e-07 Dy-2.05795e-07 C i6 c38 x14877.1 y9336.5 X14876.6 Y9336.5 D5.82386e-07 Dx-5.44814e-07 Dy-2.05795e-07 C i2 c39 x14599.2 y9336.5 X14602.7 Y9336.5 D1.13937e-06 Dx-7.29591e-07 Dy-8.75139e-07 C i6 c39 x14606.2 y9336.5 X14602.7 Y9336.5 D1.13937e-06 Dx-7.29591e-07 Dy-8.75139e-07 C i2 c40 x14413.4 y9336.5 X14397.8 Y9336.5 D2.86482e-06 Dx2.85633e-06 Dy2.20554e-07 C i6 c40 x14382.1 y9336.5 X14397.8 Y9336.5 D2.86482e-06 Dx2.85633e-06 Dy2.20554e-07 C i2 c41 x15155 y9336.5 X15162.6 Y9336.5 D2.66013e-06 Dx-1.74282e-06 Dy-2.0097e-06 C i6 c41 x15170.1 y9336.5 X15162.6 Y9336.5 D2.66013e-06 Dx-1.74282e-06 Dy-2.0097e-06 C i6 c42 x14767.8 y9336.5 X14764.4 Y9336.5 D3.83771e-06 Dx3.46404e-06 Dy-1.6518e-06 C i7 c42 x14761.1 y9336.5 X14764.4 Y9336.5 D3.83771e-06 Dx3.46404e-06 Dy-1.6518e-06 C i6 c43 x14766.8 y9336.5 X14764 Y9336.5 D2.84227e-06 Dx2.80757e-06 Dy-4.42783e-07 C i7 c43 x14761.2 y9336.5 X14764 Y9336.5 D2.84227e-06 Dx2.80757e-06 Dy-4.42783e-07